Intuitive user guidance and high-quality creation: Our Product Design Approach guarantees a holistic view on all analytical and creative processes.

Product design is the process of check over, creating, and improving products or solutions that solve users' problems fulfill specific needs for a defined target group.

PRODYNA supports a generalist approach of well-experienced creative experts that have, on the one hand, unique skills in some expertise but also a moderate understanding of all analytical and creative disciplines.

Product Designer

A product designer provides support in all development stages of a project. Starting with creative, strategic advice, through to the conceptual and visual design of the digital product or service. All the requirements and tasks of the different design teams are evaluated by the product designer and, depending on the needs, he or she simultaneously undertakes the execution of specific design services.

Design services

Designing complex digital products or services does not always require a large design team that can offer a wide range of design disciplines. It's just as important not to schedule just one designer with a certain level of expertise from one category.

At PRODYNA we have a clear definition of our design services and know when which service is needed. Each service requires a specific talent, study or education, training and expertise to deliver high quality. With the definition of product design, we cover all of the following design service categories: UX research, UX strategy, service design, UX design, UI design and content design. Each Design Service category has its own Design Services. A product designer is therefore a good choice when it comes to answering whether an expert from a very specific design service category is needed for a project.

UX Research

With different research methods you get important information about target groups, users, markets, competitors, usage figures, conversion or insights into the reasons and intentions of certain personas. One of the most common methods is user testing. Among other things, they are the most important method for gaining insights into what users want in terms of design.

At PRODYNA, we carry out user tests with the help of digital test tools in order to quickly provide all project participants with very meaningful results and to be able to compare them again after optimization.

UX Strategy

In this design service category, we analyze the tasks an application or service must fulfill. Using the UX decision matrix, we compare the effort required to implement a function with the benefit for the target group. We determine success measurement factors and define what information and content are needed to ensure the final solution is accepted.

Service Design

The centerpiece of service design is the Service Blueprint.

The Service Blueprint can identify weaknesses in the organization and opportunities for optimization. The focus is on identifying cross-departmental processes to create a shared, organization-wide understanding of how services can be provided. Service design helps, for example, determine or plan for each stage of a customer journey what communication aspects are to be expected, what technical challenges will arise for the frontend and backend, and what organizational or personnel resources will be needed.

UX Design

The entire conceptual architecture of an application, portal or website is clarified in user experience design and implemented in the form of wireframes. To consider all factors that determine the benefit and success of a project, we use methods such as persona building, empathy mapping, journey mapping, scenario mapping, experience mapping, and affinity diagramming. The results of the UX design ensure that the subsequently developed interfaces correspond precisely to the expectations and habits of the users and intuitively guide them through all interactions.

UI Design

User Interface Design stands for the visual design of UX design concepts. If required, we also create design systems to collaborate with multiple teams or to create a consistent user experience across many different, long-term planned digital touchpoints. In user interface design, current visual habits, visual trends and brand and company-relevant characteristics are processed precisely and used in a targeted manner. In addition, subliminal subtleties often have a psychological relevance. This is where it is decided whether a look & feel is just "nice" or invites interaction, guides the eyes, and presents content in a way that can be easily grasped. As a result, the user finds everything again and always keeps his bearings.

Content Design

The power of images, photographs, illustrations, artwork, videos and animations should be considered precisely because, depending on the application, the content of surfaces takes up the most significant visible part, which usually has to explain complicated facts or trigger certain moods, the conception and production of content requires talent and a trained eye. Our design experts have often proven their strength in this area. With much experience in visual storytelling, the production of film footage and the creation of virtually experienceable spaces, we can advise on even the most demanding implementations and take over the production.


To maintain the same standards in the global context when defining, naming and performing services that directly impact a user experience, our employees regularly receive training and certification from internationally recognized institutions, such as the Nielson Norman Group. In this way, we ensure that we learn, expand and adapt tested methods according to the latest standards.

Want to join a great team?

We offer plenty of room for applicants with ideas, curiosity, commitment and the ambition to see eye-to-eye on joint projects and events.

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Design, Designer, Product design, Creative, Value, XDD, Experience Driven Development, Services, User experience, User interface, UX research, Research, Strategy, Service design, UX, UX design, UI, UI design, Content design, Customer journey, Service blueprint, Persona building, Empathy mapping, Journey mapping, Scenario mapping, Experience mapping, Affinity diagramming, CX, Customer experience
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